Our Story, Our Wheat Bags

I’m Heather, the founder of 'WheatBagHeaven' established in 2020. After many years working in the skincare business, I found a niche in the market. I had many friends and family asking for help with ailments they or their family were suffering, I made up treatment oils using blends of essential oils, this grow until I decided to launch 'Pulse Point Oils' where many more people could benefit and enjoy the wonders on offer from Mother Nature. I introduced natural soy candles to the range, then wheat bags and eye pillows.
As the business grew and more people wanting wheat bags, I decided to give them their own identity, so 'WheatBagHeaven' was founded and has grown

All our wheat bags and eye pillows are handmade in small numbers and the fabric sourced as locally as possible. We have an ever-changing range of beautiful fabrics to make sure there’s a wheat bag for everyone. Lavender wheat bags and eye pillows are perfect for wellness and wellbeing, relaxation and meditation.
At the end of a long day at work, gym session or toiling in the garden, just pop in the microwave and heat for 1 min, take out and shake to disperse the heat and wheat to avoid hot spots then continue heating as directed (2 mins in total). Let the warmth and lavender fragrance ease away the day's stress and strains and soothe those aching limbs.